Provide Online Driving Classes With Advanced Features
In the India alone, Driving schools cover the $1.1bn market size. And now, when the slogan, “Go Digital or Die” is ruling the world economy. A shift towards online driving classes is crucial to sustain and scale, and we are here to help you!! Alphaaxis, having built many global projects understands the country-specific audience and their preferences. Our highly skilled team quickly caters to your requirements and builds something that is feature-rich, fast, and responsive. As an Industry leader, It’s our goal to bring you the most effective Online Driving School Software Platform in The INDIA. that helps you generate more business and tap the revenue.
Optimize the Online Driving School Experience with 7 Step Process
Alphaaxis Technologies provides the best Online Driving School Management System. We help you optimize online driving school class management while making the booking process seamless for learners of all kinds. Our team of experts captures all your driving school business needs like onboarding students, driving hours, defining the pickup and drop location, assigning the instructor, alerting the student & instructor any last time changes, and so on.
Adopt the given 7 step process and set aside all the offline hurdles.

All-In-One Online Driving School Software Solutions
To Gear Up Your Business
Whether you have a team of 5 or 500, our driving school software can be adapted to your needs. We let you streamline the processes, go paperless for operations, save time and drive profits.
Our easy-to-use tool makes registration, on-boarding, payments, scheduling, notifications, certificate generation easier and faster so that you could optimize your time in generating more revenue and brand building .If you want to move on from an outdated system to an efficient system that can help scale your business, we have the solution…, lets talk!
Key Modules of Our Online Driving School Software
Scheduling of Sessions
We let you attract more learners through flexible scheduling of the classroom, simulation, and on-road sessions.Online Payment
We facilitate various payment modes like credit/debit cards, UPI, and more to avoid writing cheques or carrying cash.Certificate Generation
We let you create and assign certificates based on the Instructor's assessment. Students can download their certificates as well.Instructors Dashboard
We provide Instructors' dashboard too. From where they can check new enrollment, class schedules and other settings.Admin Control
We provide an interactive dashboard with all the required admin control features like adding/removing instructors, managing classes and more.Registration & Onboarding
We provide an easy to use registration & onboarding module that let you enroll more students, professionals, and others seamlessly.Subscription plans
We help you capture diverse learners. Through its custom plan you can easily create and manage subscription plans.Email & SMS Notification
We help you notify any last minute change to students as well as the instructors. Push notifications either via email or text.GPS Tracking
Through this module, we facilitate students to track instructor and instructor to track student’s location so that they can plan accordingly.Report Generation
This module helps you to generate reports as per the requirements like session assigned/completed, payment received and more.